Friday, January 17, 2014

Pampering with the PEAK

In our constant search for betterment, a new market has erupted targeting just that, our wellbeing. This sector of business thrives by offering a chance to find balance in an otherwise disorganized world. As we continue to achieve on higher scales without relent, we also require more powerful measures to de-stress and detox. Indeed, detox is the name of the game of the recent health trend, cleansing. Although we cannot control how much work our boss is going to slap on our desk from day-to-day, we can control what we put into our bodies.
The notion behind cleanses is that we are exposed to a variety of toxins on a daily basis. Unwanted chemicals that weaken our mental and physical immune systems are prevalent in the air we breathe and the food we consume. By switching to a diet based off of juices made from organic fruits and vegetables, our bodies are freed from the task of breaking down solid foods, making it easier to release the toxins in our systems. Our very own Ashley Russo is quite the fan of cleansing herself! Here is what she said about the health fad, “I own a Vitamix blender myself and I try to cleanse roughly once a quarter. I don’t eliminate food while cleansing, just sugars, glutens and alcohol. I also make sure that I am drinking lots of water and getting extra rest while I am cleansing. I typically do it around bigger holidays or in preparation for big events to bring my body back into balance. It’s important to treat your body well in order to feel good on a daily basis”.

Feeling a little uneasy about your body after the holidays? Find your PEAK of health with us at The PEAK!
Try some our favorite juicing recipes! For more recipes, visit

Green Juice
1 bunch celery
4-5 kale leaves (preferably lacinato)
1 green apple
one big handful of flat leaf parsley leaves

1 lime

1 lemon
1 inch of fresh ginger

Beet, Apple, and Blackberry Juice
3 small beets
2-3 apples

8 oz. blackberries

1/2 inch fresh ginger

Recently cleansed and want to feel even better? Stay tuned as we cover American Hairlines’ full-service salon, day spa and fitness center on The PEAK – This Sunday at 6:30 PM, on WFMZ-Channel 69.

*Special Thanks to our guest blogger and awesome intern, Lainie!

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